The application to participate as a placement startup company for summer 2023 is now closed.
If you are interested in applying for The Start-Up Experience course for next year (summer of 2024), please reach out to alon.eisenstein at ubc.ca.
January 15: Deadline to submit new placement opportunities in your startup
(this is a soft deadline, late placement offers will be included up until Feb 10th, although will likely have less exposure)
Student applications will be forwarded to you on a rolling basis until February 10th.
February 12: Deadline to complete interviews with student applicants
February 19: Deadline to submit candidate preferences
(students will submit their placement preferences separately)
February 28: Placement matches announced
May 15: First day of work (sign NDA, set up work schedule, determine outcomes)
To learn more about this placement course, watch the info session from December 19, 2022 here
Still got questions? check out this FAQ page.